Thursday, July 1, 2010

the beginning.

Inspired by many people who have begun fairtrade & benefit businesses, I wanted to contribute in my own way. Though still mainly in the brainstorming, and planning stage I want to give you a peek at what this is shaping into. Because, as I have been learning more about community and the importance of the Church caring for each other - I want this to be something that you can become a part of in some form or fashion (if you are inspired to). I want you to be excited about it and you to make up a piece of what is being called, "bright things".

The headbands pictured above are one of the first projects I have begun, I've got many more ideas swimming around (and welcome any from you!). This will not be targeted to women only - there will be guy things too! I will be opening a store on Etsy (if you haven't heard of Etsy...go no further till you check it's marvelous.) Each item from bright things that is made and sold will go towards building a care package. The goal is to send out one care package a month to someone in need of encouragement (missionaries on the field, a family suffering a loss, etc.) The package contents and theme will be featured on this blog (with privacy to the recipients, of course) - in this way progress is visual and everyone can see needs directly met through their purchases. I cannot even express to you how excited this all makes me - I would love, love, love for you to join in and get excited with me! Ideas are wonderful, and maybe you can come up with a creative way to use your own gifts and talents to contribute to the creating, the promoting, or giving.

This is not about me. This is about bringing bright love to people as a collective group and stepping outside ourselves to see with eyes like Jesus. In turn, I think we'll find ourselves changed. It's in the day-to-day, the small and usually overlooked where we often find Him (if we look).

Favorite Prince Caspian quote:

Peter - "Lucy, why do you think I didn't see Aslan?"

Lucy - "Maybe you weren't looking for him."

I've set up an e-mail, - specifically for this. Write me if you'd like!

**{I could use someone who's interested in being a U.S. sales rep/material purchaser}


  1. I am in love with this!!! This is so tangible and what a blessing to those giving and receiving. What a neat way to live out being the body of Christ. :-) I would love to be a part of it. I can sew (somewhat anyways), so feel free to send a project my way!

    Love you. (oh, I will be sending you a copy of Pilgrims Progress. Been thinking of you and praying for you.)

  2. Awesome Grace!!! We need to catch up again soon, we have so much to talk about!

    This made me think of you...

  3. Grace! this is beautiful, wonderful actually! I love it, every bit of this...

    i trust that you will let me know how i can help with anything...really!

    love it, and love you!

  4. p.s. those hair bands, are really cute! i want to buy one!

  5. You're awesome!!! Can't wait to help you with something..... :) ANYTHING!

  6. What a unique idea. I really think this will work. God has blessed you so much!!

  7. Grace this is great! You have such a beautiful heart. Don't lose that for anything.

  8. wonderful! i would love to maybe help you out in any way that i can! email me at or leave me a blog comment. simply lovely!
